Category: Drones

Which Drones Make Good Gifts?

Drones can be a lot of fun, but for a while, they’ve been a novelty item that didn’t do much more than fly around your backyard for 10 minutes before crashing down and sustaining damage. Thankfully, drone technology has come a long way, and there are many affordable options on the market with boosted battery power and sturdier casing. Let’s look at the best drones to gift this year for your gadget-loving friend or family member!

Are Drones the Future?

Drones have come a long way since their inception. It might be hard to believe, but the first drone-type gadgets were in the air in the mid-1800s. True, they were nothing like today’s, but every invention starts somewhere. They began as unmanned military weapons for aerial launches, but now they’re permeating the peaceful sectors, from accumulating science data to delivering packaged goods. Let’s take a look at some of the ways drones are impacting society and some of the things we have to look forward to!

Everything You Should Know About Drone Racing

Drone racing is a new and exciting sport taking the world by storm. In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about drone racing, from the basics of the sport to the different types of races you can enter. We will also provide tips on getting started in drone racing and what you need to do to be successful. So if you’re ready to learn more about this thrilling new sport, read on!

How to Register and Legally Fly Your Drone

Most of the items you buy are perfect for immediate use, but when it comes to drones, you need to take a step back and follow proper procedures. As more and more drones hit the market, the rules and regulations around them have become incredibly stringent. Each state has its own laws, so you need to be sure you’re following local ordinances. You also have to register your drone with the Federal Aviation Administration. Let’s look at a few of the blanket laws and find out how to get the list of regulations in your area.

Using Drones to Make Movies

While drones have been around for a few decades in their compact and controlled forms, it was not until 2014 when they became legal to use during filming. True, drones are still limited by battery power and range, but they have created a boost in filmmaking capabilities that change how we perceive the world. In fact, you’ve probably seen many movies in the past seven years that have used this technology to capture shots and subconsciously marveled at the perspective. Let’s take a look at some of the ways drones are transforming the entertainment industry.

Kid-Friendly Drones

Drones are super fun, but some have relatively expensive technology that can be difficult to use. Thankfully, companies recognize this and have created a special niche of drones just for the gadget-loving kid in your life. These drones are made for small hands and use simple controls so your child can have a blast outside in the sun or even inside the house. Here are the best drones for little ones, at great prices, that won’t break the first time out!

Things to Consider Before Buying a Drone

Drones are becoming increasingly popular, but before you run out and buy one, there are a few things you should consider. This blog post will explore the different factors you should consider before purchasing a drone. From your intended purpose to the legalities involved, we cover everything you need to know to make an informed decision.